пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Встречаем Revit 2014 Update Release 1

Всего несколько месяцев прошло с момента релиза линейки продуктов Revit 2014, и вот, буквально на днях, стал доступен первый Web Update

Список улучшений и обновлений выглядит следующим образом:
 Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2014 Enhancements:
·         Improves stability when using Trim/Extend tools with curtain walls.
·         Improves stability when selecting Top Rail Type from with Project Browser.
·         Improves stability when inserting Stairs.
·         Improves stability when using the Split Element tool on walls.

Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2014 Enhancements
·         Improves elevation assigned to beams when the elevation of a related beam system is adjusted.
·         Improves graphics display of braces in course view when the justification parameter of the brace is adjusted.
·         Improves graphics display of braces in course view when using a rotated crop region.
·         Enables beams to be stretched using the Align tool.
·         Improves stability when upgrading previous version structural projects.

Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2014 Enhancements
·         Restores Revit MEP 2013 circuiting behavior when connecting panels together.
·         Enables “Pick New Work Plane” ribbon tool for electrical equipment.
·         Improves performance when selecting a piping system which contains a large number of elements.
·         Improves stability when copying air terminals connected to duct segments.
·         Improves stability when sizing Duct or Pipe systems.
·         Improves stability when changing the type of Cable Tray or Conduit.
·         Improves stability when editing type parameters from within the System Browser.

Autodesk® Revit® Platform 2014 Enhancements
·         Allows Stairs, Railings and Wall Sweeps to be individual entities when exporting to FBX format.
·         Improves data integrity of projects which contain RPC elements when exporting to FBX format.
·         Improves categorization of parts when exported to FBX format.
·         Improves performance when utilizing Render in Cloud functionality.
·         Improves appearance of material textures when Rendering in Cloud.
·         Improves graphics integrity of linked models when Rendering in Cloud.
·         Allows Point Clouds to be visible when unchecking “Show Imported Categories in this View” display option.
·         Maintains display order of filled regions which overlap solid hatches in projects that are upgraded to the Revit 2014 format.
·         Corrects visual fidelity of objects in printed output which show as “Thin Lines” in drawing canvas.
·         Improves consistency of displaying revisions within schedules.
·         Improves data consistency of keynote legend when un-checking ‘Filter by Sheet’.
·         Allows schedule footer text to follow column alignment.
·         Improves stability when pasting elements between two Generic Model adaptive families.
·         Improves stability when exporting project to Navisworks 2014.
·         Improves stability during the loading of a family when utilizing either “Delete Element” or “Delete Type” option.
·         Improves stability when placing details.
·         Improves stability when a crop region is moved while the disjoin option is enabled.
·         Improves data integrity during “Save As”.
·         Improves stability when creating form elements.
·         Improves stability when exiting Revit.
·         Improves stability when printing Elevation and Detail views.
·         Improves stability while editing groups.
·         Improves stability when adjusting the elevation value of Levels.
·         Improves stability when navigating in a project which contains linked point clouds.
·         Improves stability when using the type selector within the properties palette.
·         Improves stability when editing the layout of a schedule.
·         Improves stability when adding a schedule to a sheet which has an active view.
·         Improves stability when upgrading previous release projects.
·         Improves stability when place a view on sheet.

Страница загрузки: http://goo.gl/dIBui 
Ветка для обсуждений на форуме Autodesk: http://goo.gl/pcZvC

4 комментария:

  1. У меня не устанавливаются обновления на Ревит 13\14. Админы говорят, что это из-за установленных расширений. И нужно сносить все, ставить заново ревит , потом обновление, а уже потом расширения. Это действительно так, или админам лень разбираться в проблеме?

  2. Евгений, админам всегда лень:) У меня все установилось без проблем.

  3. При попытке установить выдает ошибку №1625. Там что-то связанное с общим доступом и т.п. Ладно, когда выйдет более существенное обновление, заставлю их, раз они так говорят, переустанавливать все.

  4. Уже второй сервиспак вышел...
